:..Thursday Challenge ~ Rare..:
2009-08-17 @ 21:19:10
Thursday Challenge has the theme RARE this week. Something unusual or so.
I present to you this; A cactus that our neighbur own. It has been with them for 25 years and has never bloomed. Until may this year. He stepped over to us to show it, and I was quicker than a weasel to pick up my camera and start taking pictures of it =D.

Carpe Diem
I present to you this; A cactus that our neighbur own. It has been with them for 25 years and has never bloomed. Until may this year. He stepped over to us to show it, and I was quicker than a weasel to pick up my camera and start taking pictures of it =D.

Välkommen åter!
Postat av: Anonym
Har du gått och blivit internationell nu oxå syrran :) Ses på F.B ;-)
Postat av: Rijo
Nu?? Har juh varit det länge juh. Haru inte hängt mä här i blöggen??? )D. Vad är F.B????